Zahra Niazi

Exploration of SLAM and Navigation with Eddie

This is a report on the exciting exploration of 2D and Visual SLAM and navigation with Eddie, a versatile differential drive robot.

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DRL tutorial

Hey there! Welcome to this Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) tutorial!

During my graduate course on neural networks and deep learning at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, under the guidance of Dr. Rouhani, I was tasked with making a presentation about deep reinforcement learning. It was a fascinating challenge to connect what we learned in class with the real-world applications of deep learning in reinforcement scenarios.

The repo containing all the files can be found here.

The slides for this tutorial can be found here!

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Literature review for Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance

This is a literature review for Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance tasks.

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